Beliefs negative positive

Beliefs negative positive

Beliefs negative positive – Belief sets

Every one of us has them – beliefs and certain mindsets. These are so ingrained in us that we follow them almost daily, in one way or another. Most of the time, we aren’t even aware that these belief systems control us, thus, guiding and determining our lives, both private and professional. Quite of few of these beliefs and mindsets are associated with a certain risk.

Think of the following “classic” amongst these beliefs: “If I clearly state my opinion, the person I’m dealing with will be mad with me.” You may still experience that your clarity “blew up in your face”. AS a consequence, you have internalised this negative experience and thus, turned it into your above-mentioned belief. This article will show you how to turn these mindsets around, into positive ones.

Beliefs – how your mind plays tricks on you

The scenario is the following: you are an entrepreneur who specialises in a certain industry and a certain product. Initially, this is a really good thing, since such products can develop a high market value. However: these niche products can also mean a certain amount of risk. Therefore, your belief system goes as follows: “Specialisation comes with very high risks.”

You automatically assume that this specialisation is a risk. You further assume: this might result in low turnovers, low success, unmotivated employees, insolvency (as the worst case). Can you see what this mindset does to you? It turns you into a procrastinator. And one thing an entrepreneur should never do: procrastinate! Being an entrepreneur means “doing” something.

Beliefs – where do they actually come from?

Beliefs don’t just come knocking on your door, announcing their arrival in your life. Most of the time, there’s a concrete story, a concrete emotional experience behind their emergence. Since you have perceived this experience as negative and stored it away as such, a belief set is developed. When confronted with a similar situation, this belief system is put into action.

The fact it succeeds is mainly based on the fact that the original experience functions as a blueprint for all future decisions and similar experiences. It has become a pattern, if you will, and functions as a reference. If I asked you now how this reference came into being, you might not be able to give me an answer or explanation without having to give it some serious thought.

Beliefs – how to successfully fight them and turn them around

Would you like to try something new and exciting? Let’s play out the above-mentioned scenario in a completely different way. The starting position remains the same. You run a company that specialises in producing a niche product. That can involve risks, but, indeed – and here, we turn it around – this can offer you and your company a very high degree of security. You don’t believe me?

How about this: you simply change your belief system. This is easier, than it may sound. Instead of saying “Specialisation is bound to high risks”, you now internalise the following (belief) system: “Specialisation comes with the chance of high security”. You declare this belief to be your new mantra, which you repeat daily. It eventually means:

  • You have a USP and are therefore easily recognisable as a brand

  • Specialisation makes you and your company competitive on the market

  • Specialisation means your product has an absolute and added value for your customers

  • This added value means you can exclusively acquire first-class target customers from now on

Once you’ve built up this customer base, your company will soon be unrivalled. Repeat this belief constantly – not only in front of the mirror in the morning. In order for this positive and productive belief set to take hold, communicate it with friends, family and your employees, as well. However, this belief set is like all habits. Only constant repetition will make it a constant in your (new) life.

Changing a belief is probably one of the most difficult things you may ever try. In order to succeed, start with baby steps, such as the following: try something simple like brushing your teeth with the other hand (that is a challenge, I can assure you!). Try to change the habit, then you’ll be able to stop old patterns from controlling your life and your decisions.

If you manage to do that, you will succeed. Trust me – you’ll no longer remember your original belief system in the very near future. You don’t believe me? Then call me today for a free initial consultation at +49 (0) 404 80 9031 9016, in which I will convince you of the opposite! You can also leave a message here



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